Creators e master trainers

Uno dei maggiori esponenti di Fitness Musicale nel mondo, ex campione di ginnastica aerobica competitiva
come atleta e come ginnasta, presenter internazionale in più di 40 paesi nel mondo. Titolare della scuola GLP Academy. Creatore e business manager GPassè.

She was born as a modern dancer, collaborating with international companies and choreographers. Graduated with a master's degree in sports science, she approaches the world of fitness becoming a musical and holistic fitness instructor, and a teacher for important training schools.
one of the major exponents of musical fitness, three times world champion in aerobic gymnastics, and for years presenter of choreographic fitness in more than 40 countries around the world. He is the owner and technical manager of the GLP Academy training school
Mattia Diamantini
Campione Italiano di Danze Latino Americane e Danze Standard nel 2007 e 2008, dal 2010 maestro e giudice di gara.
Direttore Artistico e tecnico della scuola New Latin Academy di Fano.
Dal 2012 si avvicina al fitness certificandosi in Zumba, Aerobica e Step, e numerosi programmi di fitness coreografico e tonificazione. Nel 2021 inizia la formazione GPassè e dal 2022 è docente per i workshop GPassè in Italia e all'estero e responsabile tecnico del programma GPassè Latin.
Samuela Moioli
Dottoressa in Scienze Motorie e Sportive, titolare e responsabile tecnica del centro MBM di Vigevano. Istruttrice Fitness Musciale e Tonificazione, Educator Cross Cardio e Ambassador Reejam. Nel 2021 iniza la formazione GPassè e dal 2022 è docente per i workshop GPassè in tutta italia.
"When the dynamics of fitness meets the harmony of dance Gpassè is born "
From an idea of Giulia Pagliaccia and Gil Lopes
An idea, an experiment, but above all an hour of fun training that allows everyone to DANCE! This format uses the basics of the "barre" technique of dance in a dynamic and fluid version for a complete and cardiovascular training that leads to the guided construction of an ever new, easy training and fun choreography.
The lesson is divided into four parts:
WARMUP BARS ; variations of pliè, battering tendu, battering jete etc etc together with classic elements of toning and barrè fit.
TECHINICAL STEP: study of new steps or "technical" elements that they will be included in the final choreography, with the inclusion of a passage on the ground.
MOBILITY SECTION : opening exercises with a focus on hip mobility integrated with elements of pilates and yoga
CHOREOGRAPHY - now let's dance! Construction of a "themed" choreography respecting the style of the chosen music or interpreting the meaning of the piece (which will be used in the finished product). It will be dynamic easy and fun, built according to the Add-on method, without interruptions and always maintaining the same intensity of work.